Mapping user journeys to inform product strategy

Collected findings, insights and opportunities guide product development for Australian home buyers markets.

Bjorn Amherd
Portfolio Bjorn Amherd




To speed up product development and to focus on the most impactful solutions, we needed a way to hand stakeholders a tool that guided them along the way.


I collated existing and new user research inputs as well as stakeholder inputs into three journeys. The overviews for first home buyers, investors, and upgraders list all essential insights we gathered. The document helped us to form product strategies for particular segments of the property market. Addressing the pain points made all team members more emphatic for the people they are building tools and services. The maps played an elemental role while developing specific first home buyer content areas and tools (such as the borrowing/purchasing power calculator).

My role

  • Collection and analysis of secondary research
  • Identification of research gaps and planning of additional research
  • Research activities with home buyers, salespeople, and stakeholders
  • Creation of the three journey maps
  • Validation with stakeholders and presentation of results



Bjorn Amherd
Portfolio Bjorn Amherd

Product design lead for the dealership experience at carsales. 20+ years experience. Worked for REA, Myer, HESTA, Bunnings, Optus, Fisher & Paykel in the past..